Matching Investment Program (MIP) Leverages $140K Empire State Development/NYSTAR Funding to SUNY Poly’s CATN2 to Enable $1.5M in Matching Commitments from Industry Partners
SUNY Poly Professor Awarded $2.1 Million by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) for Collaborative Next-Gen Power Electronics Integrated Circuits R&D
SUNY Poly Professor of Nanoscale Engineering Dr. Ji Ung Lee Awarded $6.25 Million by Naval Research Laboratory for Advanced Electronic Devices and AI-Specific Hardware Development
SUNY Poly Researchers Awarded $1.5M by U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technology Office for Highly Efficient and Reliable Power Electronics Devices
SUNY Poly Student Spinoff Glauconix Biosciences Completes Pilot Study Using Nemus Biosciences’s Bioengineered Cannabinoid-based Compound for Glaucoma Treatment