SUNY Polytechnic Institute Announces Nearly $400,000 in Funding from NYSERDA to Expand Facility Operation & Maintenance Training for Technicians, Engineers and Business Personnel
Matching Investment Program (MIP) leverages $395K Empire State Development/NYSTAR Funding to SUNY Poly’s CATN2 to Enable $1.53M in Matching Commitments from Industry and Other Partners.
SUNY Poly Prof. Sharfstein Awarded $125,000 from The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals for Development of Bioreactor to Culture Immune Cells
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology features Professors Cady, Paluh, and Sharfstein in 'Building Bioprocess Partnerships at SUNY Polytechnic Institute'
Remarks by Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves at the Georgetown Business School Forum: Modern Industrial Strategy for U.S. Competitiveness, Equity, and Resilience
Matching Investment Program (MIP) leverages $395K Empire State Development/NYSTAR Funding to SUNY Poly’s CATN2 to Enable $1.53M in Matching Commitments from Industry and Other Partners.